Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I was tossing and turning all night.  I woke up turned on the light.  I looked at the clock it was the ;middle of the night.  The clock downstairs stuck four, my husband started to snore but I was tossing and turning all night.  You need 7 hours or more of sleep.  I got 5.  I only fell asleep because I ate a banana and put on some Ben Gay  to stop my restless leg syndrome.

To sleep per chance to dream/.  I had alow blood sugar a few times yesterday even though I ate breakfast,kunch and dinner.  But sweets seemed to trigger a surge.  I have to eat every two hours or else.  ridiculous to be this weak.. Hypoglycemia is my only diagnosis +Plavix.  Of course I rarely take the Plavix.  I think I may have run out.  Hmmmm.

I cancelled my trip to China.  It will be hot and I'm too weak.  It is the last week for the tour which goes to the Great Wall, a tea farm and Shanghai and Beigning.  I think monsoons mus tcome next because there are no tours for months. 

I didn't go in my pool and it was 86 for a high yesterday.

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