Friday, May 4, 2012


Rolling on the river waiting for the rocket launch in Titusville,Florida
     The priest left first when the Atlas Rocket didn't launch after it's first ten minute delay.  Next after a half hour at 3:00 the man whose two brothers and uncle had worked in the space program and now were all dead left to watch it at home if it did ever blast off during the two hour launch window. He associated launches with his dead brothers.  One worked at the Kennedy Space Center and the other had helped create the moon rovers in Pasadena.California.  He was the only one left now.  His wife had died in a nursing home In New Hampshire a year and a half ago.    The motorcyclist from Daytona left at 3:15 and would bike back down tomorrow if it is postponed until then.  His wife was out of town so he could do what he wants.  At 3:30 the skydivers from Montana told us that the Atlas rocket form the Canaveral Air Station across the Indian River  from Paul' Smokehouse in Titusville,Florida had been scrubbed until tomorrow.  So we all left Paul' Smokehouse parking lot before he opened at 4pm and vowed to return tomorrow afternoon to see the military satellite used to detect nuclear facilities launched on the Atlas rocket positoned across the river at the launch pad south of the Kennedy Space Center's massive Vehicle Assembly Building.  Then there were none.  So Atlas shrugged and said:  "Come back tomorrow.  It will be a blast."

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