Monday, January 23, 2012


                                                 THE AQUARIUS NEW MOON HAS BROUGHT ME INTO MY FIFTH HOUSE OF SELF-DISCOVERY;  Only evil forces can keep me from my quest for self expression.  evil lurks in my own home in the person of my husband who begrudged saying good morning to me twice.  When I greeted him again at the kitchen table, he did not respond.  When I demanded recognition, he said:  I already said it upstairs.  Upstairs he was busy on his computer and didn't even realize I was there.
                                               This is not the kind of atmosphere a creative person thrives in.  Luckily he's leaving ina little while.  So
                                            EXPRESS YOURSELF
                                            DO WHAT YOU'RE GONNA DO.
                                             EXPRESS YOURSELF
                             IT IS THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS.
                                                 AGE OF AQUARIUS

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