Wednesday, March 28, 2012


                               The roller coaster of life continues giving me a queasy feeling in the bottom of my stomach.  Fortunately if I remain calm everything will work out.  I'm comatose right now.  The cement mixer for the addition next door started at 7.  I arose at 6:30 awake but with insufficient sleep.  I have all my windows closed to keep out dust and noise.  I think I'm lacking fresh air.  It's time to put on the AC.  Too bad because we are having fresh,warm clear low humidity weather.   It's a day to open all the windows and luxuriate in the Spring air.  It's a low in the roller coaster of life.
                                 My husband still has 20 boxes to fill by tomorrow when the movers come.  He packed my new sheets and I had to find the box and remove them.  He's lost in a time warp playing old Gene Pitney songs.  So:

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