Tuesday, December 27, 2011


                         Waxing and waning every month ad infinitum goes the moon.  It's lunacy to change daily adding and subtracting light from the sphere in the sky.  The sun stays the same except at sunrise and sunset.  The stars are always rising and falling.   Sunrise,Sunset softly go the days.
                            CROISSSANTS,bagels and donuts.  Don't forget cruellers.petit fours and elephant ears.  We call Entemann's Pecan Coffee Ring Roach Cake because of the little brown nuts in it.  Strudel,fruit cake and pfferneuse are disappearing from the grocery store shelves.
                                    Mind you beeswax means mind your own business.  You can have wax in your ears.  They used to tell us to clean our ears or potatoes would grow in them.   My thoughts are starting to wane.  At dusk the sunlight will wane and the moonlight wax.

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