Thursday, December 15, 2011


                      This is the Seven Sacred Pools Waterfalls in Maui out of focus.  We drove the Hana Road.  It was getting dark when we reached Hana,but we forged on a sunset to see the seven waterfalls on a winding road outside of town.  Fortunately the National Park Service whose hand reaches 3000 miles across the Pacific doesn't allowing swimming in the pools since a tourist dove in and drowned.   Still pitch black dark approached so we headed back to Hana to find a hotel room.  There were none to be found.  We ate dinner after an hour wait in the only restaurant open.  We were their last customers of the night.  We gave the accommodations search one last try.  A bed and breakfast that hadn't answered earlier said they had a room.  at 10 pm, they lead us up the hill to their rental house.  So we didn't have to sleep in the car in Hana.

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