Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Remain Neutral

                               My horoscope says to remain neutral.  Being a Libran I can see both sides.  I'll be pressured but I mist wait for a decision from within.  That's a good thing because I still feel whoozey from my mal de mer from yesterday plus I waited 21/2 hours to eat today after I woke up at 7 a.m..  I could barely talk on the phone when I called the plumber to fix the leak in our kitchen sink drain.   I asked my husband to call yesterday when I called to tell him I felt faint driving over the bridge.  I had to stick my head out the window because the car was stuffy(full of car fumes,hot,confined) as I drove slowly over the bridge to nowhere(actually the Canaveral National Seashore, the Wild Life Reserve, the Black Point 7 Mile Drive and not to forget the reason all this land has been preserved  for a buffer zone for the Kennedy Space Center).   I put my top down on my Miata when I got to the other side.  i had awoke at 5 or 6a.m. and I guess wasn't sufficiently fueled for this journey after a small turkey sandwich and a banana nut muffin. 
                         My husband didn't offer any help and berated me five hours later when I finally made it home after taking the long way to avoid the bridge.  He was furious that I didn't have food in the car. It was in the other car.  It was an impromptu visit to the National Seashore.  I thought the muffin I had just eaten would be enough.  But my car was hot, I'd  walked in the noonday sun briefly around the town and new Pritchard House shadey garden plus I'd been to the bank and Fox Lake Park in my car and had arisen early.  So the vapors hit.  They say I should go to the hospital when it happens.  That was impossible.  I was over the river and through the bridge.
                             Hours later after chocolate milk,ice cream, trail mix and a stretch in fresh air, I was fine. i guess I could go now to the hospital, I feel whoozey this morning even after chicken parmesan, a banana and low calorie yogurt.  My blood test last year said I have Hypoglycemia.  The endocrinologist doubted the GP's diagnosis .  He wants me to have a blood test when I have an attack.  I told him that was ridiculous because I always eat to recover and be able to drive.  So we'll see.  I've already worn a 24 hour monitor for the neurologist and had an MRI,ekg,encephlogram and some ridiculous test including balance at the neurolgist that was straight out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  Also I went to the cardiologist whose office lost most of my records when they moved to another location.  Any way I tried.  The GP is very good but her receptionist is unintelligible because of some Jamaican accent.  She told me that I needed Actonel because my backbone is fragile according to an osteoporiasis test that I had at the hosptial.  I could barely understand her.  She told me I needed medicine and then stated the side effects which sounded worse than the osteoporosis.  When I told the Hispanic physician that he receptionist was unintelligible, she told me to ask her to repeat it.  The neurologist who was Cuban had an assistant who also was barely intelligible.  It was like Desi Arnez giving you a brain test and treating you like Lucy.  
                Anyway they all make Dr. Conrad Murray who was  just convicted of manslaughter for mistreating Michael Jackson with the wrong medicine and procedures and causing his death look like a rocket scientist.  Well that's all folks.  Time to go.  My husband is up at 10 a.m. and taking his insulin shot in his stomach.  He goes to a zillion doctors and receives 10 different prescriptions for his heart and diabetes.  i receive nothing except Actonel for the osteoporiasis and am going unconscious as I drive around  town.  I never drive on the highway.  So that's the saga news.  PS;  My husband is totally unsympathetic and put all the onus on me for not having enough food in my car in case I have an attack.  HMMMM!  I'll move on t another doctor.  luckily in Florida, there are a zillion.   in Cape Cod, you can't see a GP etc.
Your average physician
                      Babbbalu  as Desi would say!  By the way my husband was unsympathetic when I had a mastectomy and begrudged driving me home from the hospital.  He told me to take a bus!

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