Saturday, April 7, 2012


                               Mars and Venus are at war so I must keep my nose out of other people's business and stick to my own concerns.  My plate is full which reminds me of last night's all you can eat codfish fry for $9.99 at the Catfish Cabin in MIMS.  We couldn't even eat one plate full.  The grilled cod was better than the fried and a nice change from the hush puppies,fried okra and fried bread that accompanied it.  We had macaroni and cheese and cole slaw too.  
                                 My full plate of protein  energized me and I was able to unpack a few more boxes and put away most of my clothes. Mars had a fit when I tried to straighten up his clothes.  They are in boxes lining the bedroom walls.  He gets very upset if I try to make it look better.  Mars likes it all scattered and jumbled rather than neatly folded.   Aesthtetics are not his thing.  He likes all his wires and electronic equipment all over the place so he can see them and easily access them. 

                                   On one of the windiest days this Spring, Mars hung up a mobile from the pool enclosure using dental floss(cheap from Walgreens).  The red,white and blue balloon fell right into the pool a half hour later.  He had almost fallen in the pool off a chair putting it up on the edge of the pool.  So Mars vs Venus is in the second round today and my horoscope says pay attention to what's on  my own plate. Happy dining alone,  Where's Uranus,Pluto,Jupiter,Mercury and Saturn when you need them.  Oh I forgot Neptune

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